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Pollution and the recent fires in Stockholm - what can you do with the right filters?

Pollution and the recent fires in Stockholm - what can you do with the right filters?

Due to the tragic fires that recently happened in Stockholm, we received a lot of questions about how to prevent smoke and odors from influencing the indoor environment through ventilation. It’s not an easy task and many questions arise. What is burning? Is it harmful to our health? Where is the smoke coming from? How close is it?

Sanofi visited Camfil's Tech Centre to support their Energy Days and EWW consumption reduction initiative

Sanofi and Camfil improve the health of the environment, the health of people and the quality of air in the workplace

Sanofi, a global healthcare leader who discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions focused on patients’ needs, visited Camfil in Trosa, Sweden from Sep. 5th through 8th  2017 to support their Energy Days. By pursing a very motivational campaign in Energy, Waste and Water (EWW) consumption reduction, Sanofi and Camfil organized the event to focus on energy and clean solutions.

Camfil welcomes new ISO16890 standard

Camfil welcomes new ISO16890 standard

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has this week published a landmark standard for the air filtration industry. ISO16890 defines testing procedures and a classification system for air filters used in general ventilation equipment.

Swedish athletes step inside for a breath of clean air in Rio

The environmental conditions at Olympic venues held in major world cities have been receiving more and more attention over the years, especially worries about the negative impact of air pollution on sports performance and the health of competing athletes in venues like Athens, Beijing and London.

PM1 – the new focus to protect human health

Ambient air quality has improved considerably in the last few decades by a range of measures to reduce harmful air emissions. However, there is convincing evidence that current levels of air pollution still pose a considerable risk to human health.